Let’s recreate this CRUD project in Vue 3 using the Composition API and <script setup>
. We’ll also use Axios for API requests and JSON Server for the mock backend, similar to the React version.
Step 1: Set up the Vue 3 Project
Create a new Vue 3 project using Vite: Open your terminal and run the following command to create a new Vue 3 project:
npm create vite@latest crud-app-vue --template vue
cd crud-app-vue
Install Axios: Axios will be used for making API requests:
npm install axios
Install JSON Server (if you haven’t already): JSON Server will act as our mock API backend:
npm install json-server
Create a db.json
file: In the root of your project, create a db.json
file to simulate the backend data:
"items": [
{ "id": 1, "name": "Item 1", "description": "This is item 1" },
{ "id": 2, "name": "Item 2", "description": "This is item 2" },
{ "id": 3, "name": "Item 3", "description": "This is item 3" }
Start the JSON Server: Run the following command to start the JSON Server on port 5000:
npx json-server --watch db.json --port 5000
Sure! Let’s recreate this CRUD project in Vue 3 using the Composition API and <script setup>
. We’ll also use Axios for API requests and JSON Server for the mock backend, similar to the React version.
Step 1: Set up the Vue 3 Project
Create a new Vue 3 project using Vite: Open your terminal and run the following command to create a new Vue 3 project:
bashnpm create vite@latest crud-app-vue --template vue cd crud-app-vue
Install Axios: Axios will be used for making API requests:
bashnpm install axios
Install JSON Server (if you haven’t already): JSON Server will act as our mock API backend:
bashnpm install json-server
Create a
file: In the root of your project, create adb.json
file to simulate the backend data:json{ "items": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Item 1", "description": "This is item 1" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Item 2", "description": "This is item 2" }, { "id": 3, "name": "Item 3", "description": "This is item 3" } ] }
Start the JSON Server: Run the following command to start the JSON Server on port 5000:
bashnpx json-server --watch db.json --port 5000
Step 2: Set up Vue Components
We will use the Composition API with <script setup>
to define our component logic.
: Replace the content ofsrc/App.vue
with the following:
<!-- Main container for the application -->
<h1>CRUD Application with Vue 3</h1>
<!-- Display the list of items -->
<!-- Loop through the 'items' array using v-for -->
<li v-for="item in items" :key="item.id">
<!-- If we are editing this item, show the edit form -->
<div v-if="editItem && editItem.id === item.id">
<!-- Input fields for editing the name and description of the item -->
placeholder="Edit Name"
placeholder="Edit Description"
<!-- Button to save changes to the item -->
<button @click="saveEdit">Save</button>
<!-- Button to cancel the edit -->
<button @click="cancelEdit">Cancel</button>
<!-- If we are not editing this item, display its details -->
<div v-else>
<!-- Show the item's name and description -->
{{ item.name }} - {{ item.description }}
<!-- Button to initiate editing for this item -->
<button @click="startEdit(item)">Edit</button>
<!-- Button to delete the item -->
<button @click="deleteItem(item.id)">Delete</button>
<!-- Form to add a new item -->
<h2>Add New Item</h2>
<!-- Input field for the new item's name -->
<input v-model="newItem.name" placeholder="Item Name" />
<!-- Input field for the new item's description -->
<input v-model="newItem.description" placeholder="Item Description" />
<!-- Button to add the new item -->
<button @click="addItem">Add Item</button>
<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'; // Import ref for reactivity and onMounted for lifecycle hook
import axios from 'axios'; // Import axios for making HTTP requests
// Define the structure of an Item with TypeScript's interface (optional if using JS)
interface Item {
id: number; // The unique identifier for each item
name: string; // The name of the item
description: string; // The description of the item
// Create a reactive array to hold the list of items
const items = ref<Item[]>([]); // 'items' holds the data fetched from the backend
// Create a reactive object to manage new item input
// Omit 'id' because the server generates it when we add a new item
const newItem = ref<Omit<Item, 'id'>>({ name: '', description: '' });
// Create a reactive object to manage the item being edited, or null if no item is being edited
const editItem = ref<Item | null>(null);
// Function to fetch all items from the server when the component is mounted
const fetchItems = async () => {
try {
// Send a GET request to fetch the list of items
const response = await axios.get<Item[]>('http://localhost:5000/items');
// Update the 'items' array with the data received from the server
items.value = response.data;
} catch (error) {
// Log any error that occurs during the API request
console.error('Error fetching items:', error);
// Use the onMounted lifecycle hook to fetch items when the component is loaded
// Function to add a new item to the list
const addItem = async () => {
try {
// Send a POST request to add the new item to the server
const response = await axios.post<Item>('http://localhost:5000/items', newItem.value);
// Add the newly created item to the 'items' array
// Reset the 'newItem' input fields after successfully adding the item
newItem.value = { name: '', description: '' };
} catch (error) {
// Log any error that occurs during the API request
console.error('Error adding item:', error);
// Function to start editing an item
const startEdit = (item: Item) => {
// Set 'editItem' to the selected item (creates a copy of the item)
editItem.value = { ...item };
// Function to save the edited item
const saveEdit = async () => {
// If no item is being edited, return early
if (!editItem.value) return;
try {
// Send a PUT request to update the item on the server
const response = await axios.put<Item>(`http://localhost:5000/items/${editItem.value.id}`, editItem.value);
// Find the index of the item that was edited in the 'items' array
const index = items.value.findIndex((i) => i.id === editItem.value!.id);
// Replace the old item with the updated item in the 'items' array
items.value[index] = response.data;
// Clear the 'editItem' to exit edit mode
editItem.value = null;
} catch (error) {
// Log any error that occurs during the API request
console.error('Error updating item:', error);
// Function to cancel the editing process
const cancelEdit = () => {
// Clear the 'editItem' state to cancel editing
editItem.value = null;
// Function to delete an item
const deleteItem = async (id: number) => {
try {
// Send a DELETE request to remove the item from the server
await axios.delete(`http://localhost:5000/items/${id}`);
// Update the 'items' array by removing the deleted item
items.value = items.value.filter((item) => item.id !== id);
} catch (error) {
// Log any error that occurs during the API request
console.error('Error deleting item:', error);
<style scoped>
/* Scoped CSS to style the component */
ul {
list-style-type: none;
padding: 0;
li {
margin-bottom: 10px;
button {
margin-left: 10px;
Step 3: Detailed Explanation
Template (
):- The template contains two main sections:
- A list of items, where each item has options to edit or delete.
- A form to add a new item to the list.
- We use Vue’s
directive to iterate over theitems
and display each item. - Conditional rendering (
) is used to show the edit form when an item is being edited.
- The template contains two main sections:
Script (
<script setup>
):Reactive Variables:
: A reactive array to hold the list of items.newItem
: A reactive object to track the new item’s name and description.editItem
: A reactive object that stores the item being edited (ornull
if no item is being edited).
Lifecycle Hook:
: Fetches the list of items when the component is mounted. This is similar touseEffect
in React.
CRUD Operations:
- Fetch Items (
): Fetches the list of items from the server using a GET request. - Add Item (
): Adds a new item to the server with a POST request and updates theitems
array. - Start Edit (
): Initializes theeditItem
with the selected item. - Save Edit (
): Sends a PUT request to update the item on the server and updates the list of items. - Cancel Edit (
): Resets theeditItem
state to cancel the edit. - Delete Item (
): Sends a DELETE request to remove the item and updates theitems
array to exclude the deleted item.
- Fetch Items (
Styles (
<style scoped>
):- Some basic CSS styles are provided to make the list and buttons look a bit better.
Step 4: Running the Vue 3 Application
Start JSON Server: Make sure your JSON server is running:
npx json-server --watch db.json --port 5000
Start the Vue Development Server: In a new terminal, start the Vue app:
npm run dev
Open the App: Visit http://localhost:3000
in your browser to see the app in action. You should be able to add, edit, and delete items just like in the React app.

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